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Anti-bribery policy

bet365 online gamesISG believes that corrupt acts are wrong under any circumstances; they expose ISG and its supply chain to the risk of prosecution or fines; as well as damaging reputations and increasing the cost of doing business.

Building Information Modelling (BIM) policy

ISG has invested in developing our Building Information Modelling (BIM) systems and is fully committed to deploying BIM further as appropriate.

Code of ethics and business conduct

ISG’s reputation for acting lawfully, responsibly and ethically plays a critical role in our success and our ability to grow.

Policies and standards - supply chain | ISG

Competition policy

ISG operates and carries out business in an open, honest and fair manner and adopts a zero-tolerance policy towards competition law infringements.

Data protection policy

ISG needs to gather and use certain personal data about individuals but does so in a way that complies with data protection law, follows good practice and protects the rights of those individuals.

Gifts and Hospitality policy

Giving or receiving gifts and hospitality as part of a normal commercial relationship building process is a legitimate part of business to help foster good relationships with ISG’s partners, to include members of our supply chain. However, the provision of gifts or hospitality over certain values may be seen to be offered to gain an ‘advantage’ and therefore could create a risk for both ISG and our partners.

Health and safety policy

At ISG we choose to respond differently to health and safety – through continuous learning, communication, and remaining flexible to the challenges that come with changeable times.

Working with ISG: Health and safety standards

This standards document provides information on the minimum requirements to be implemented across all ISG projects. 

Information security policy

ISG proactively manages bet365 online sports bettingits information security environment to protect its own information and that entrusted to us by its customers, assure business continuity and minimise damage.

Modern slavery and human trafficking statement / Supply chain commitment - anti-slavery and human trafficking

ISG requires that all workers are treated with dignity and respect. We fundamentally oppose slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, the sale or exploitation of children and all exploitative practices in the workplace.

Supply chain - policies and standards | ISG

Quality policy

ISG aims to exceed customer requirements by continually improving the quality of our processes, projects and services through the energy and commitment of our people and supply chain.

Sustainability policies

Protecting the planet is no longer a choice, but an obligation. ISG is committed to a sustainable future and focuses its activity in four core areas:
Environmental management | Climate change and carbon | Circular economy | Social value

Sustainable procurement policy

The materials and products that we and our supply chain purchase have far reaching impacts. Through strategic management of our activities, negative impacts can be avoided or reduced, and positive impacts prioritised and maximised.

Right to work policy - UK supply chain

ISG will take all required and reasonable measures to ensure that only those who are eligible to work in the UK are employed by ISG or by third parties on ISG UK sites and premises.

Whistleblowing policy

At ISG it is safe and acceptable to speak up and raise any concern you may have about malpractice at an early stage.

ISG aims to exceed customer requirements by continually improving the quality of our processes, projects and services through the energy and commitment of our people and supply chain.
Quality PolicyQualitätspolitikPolitique de Qualité

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Robert Scriven

Robert Scriven

Head of Supply Chain

Tom Smith

Tom Smith

Chief Commercial Officer